Merdeka Eve
Eh... Quite weird that pappy can wake up so early this morning... 7.30am already wake up... Wow... Present ! ... I think it should be from Yiran jie jie, Wan wei jie jie and ah Hong ko ko thank the present. Thank yeah
See see... after birthday also got present ! very Xing Fu
Then we go out walk as usual... guess what I meet Ferro, same thing been bully :(
See, Ferro grrrr me :p
Play Ground !
See see I climb so high ! Hurray Merdeka !
After a while, then I knock down as usual... I just take a rest before I can continue go back home.. Time is late 830am lor pappy want to go office lor !
prince, ur such a lucky boy..ur pappy wake up so early 2 bring u go walk walk...
my owner usually wake up when is time 2 rush 2 sch.....earlier abit oso kenot
yes.. agree with pacco... my mom is the same.. she already promised herself to give me early walkie everyday SINCE she know she gonna adopt me home, but now AFTER she adopted me for more than 1 yr, there is no such thing as morning walkie for me, except in hometown during weekend and also that is rare rare rare and rare!!!! coz she is a super snoozy hooman!!!!
wah..prince u have morning walk huh?
my owner start work at 8am, she needs to leave home at 7am, it takes her 1hr to get ready. so if she wants to walk me in the morning...she needs to ~!!%%*$@%^&& (dog calculating) wake up at 5am! this things never happen to me during weekdays
Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Wow, some more pressie. So lucky lah you...Going on a holiday with your hoomans Prince?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Serious? my pappy always walk me everyday... never miss de... even in rush he will bring me round the playground to do my business... you make me feel very "xing fu"
Hi Amber... actually plan to go ipoh on saturday but shu shu not free so just go Jungle Tracking with, pacco, money, max and others... But i really enjoy because my pappy bring me to jungle tracking 2 days :p
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