My New House :)

Pappy, where are you all going?
Then leave me and Mammy at home. Where is my Pappy go? sad... :( Waiting and waiting finally Pappy come with 2 friends. I girl and 1 boy. Pappy tell me today bath nice nice then Pappy bring Prince to new house... Wooow ! I was excited and just wait there for bath... After bath and they going back again.
At night time around 9.00am Pappy and Mammy was meet and they start talking. Mammy did hug me and tell me dont be naughty in new house. Then I know they is a farewell with Mammy. Why Mammy not follow? I was wonder again and again... Pappy was sad and leaving... and I hope Pappy and Mammy can always accompanied me.
Early morning 25 June 2007 Pappy starting playing with me at new house. Below are some of my picture

Playing ball with Pappy
Looking Mimi and A bi (Shi Tzu)
Wat Up ??

wah!! new house...
do u hv a new kennel too?
Yeah new house liao... Kennel ah... Actually I dont like and pappy said it was expensive too... I just leashed if neccesary.
If you free come my house la.. play with me. Now I got 2 neighbour, one is ah bi and 1 is mimi :) they both cutez :)
WOW.. that day i juz go prince's new hse... veli nice...
Prince happy with ur new hse ? hehe
wow wow (barked), still ok lor but just sometime my pappy's sister will leashed me up. But pappy did give me go out at mornig and night times.
The place is quite big but when my pappy car and his sister car park in... the place was... very very small :P
Prince ,maybe u still fresh v ur new hse environment they dun let u run here run there...hehe..
No ned worry la .. after sumtimes.. sure they will giv u FREEDOM... wahaha
actually where's ur new location??
ermm Damansara Kayu Ara... beside Bandar Utama near NKVE Tolls.
The place quite nice... my bird day is near liao ... come and have fun with my party soon ..
August 28 ...
Oh, new house! How great! How great! You hoomans bought double houses is it? Sooo much better for you now! Much more bigger space for you too...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
really looking 4ward 4 ur party..
mayb v can ask our trekkers friend along..
Thanks Amber, Pacco I will invited you de dont worried :)
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