Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pappy back to Hainan jor

Aiyoooo my pappy come back 4 days and go back again? In this 4 days he got bring me to play ground, walk, yam cha session with Pacco, Jiro and Ayako. Pappy bring me morning and evening walk... He play with me alot and I am having a photograhy session with pappy 2... let me share the photo with you all... enjoy !

I wish Pappy can come back faster and I wish I can play with him more and lau kai more... I am getting older and fatter... If I keep staying at home :( I miss you Pappy...


Amber-Mae said...

Those are some handsome pictures of you, prince. Your pappy got better lens ah?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Goofy said...

nice photos there.. hope ur pappy will come back as soon as possible to take more great photos!!


Ben & Darling said...

Love all the pic!!!

slurpy licks,