Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cute photo by Auyong

Hahaha I feel quite funny with the photo auyong koko take... Thanks for share it. I really love it so much... Enjoy !

I like this photo very much, I am model =)

On the way back home with pappy... lovely

Paiseh... "yam yam siew"

Feeding time =)

Me and My Lovely Tenis Ball =)

Monday, December 08, 2008

JT and Sekinchan

I should say, since so long never have a outing with pappy due to pappy is terribly busy and no time for me. But he still spend sometime for me to JT, Mamak and Sekinchan last week, thanks pappy. This time, pappy bring friend call auyong koko. He so slow la... I always need to wait for him :p Here are some photo of sharing. Enjoy ya !

Remember this place? I long time never come lor
start sniff sniff again =)

Running here and there

My Favor Place !

Auyong Koko =)

Cold and refreshing

Siok !

Lovely pappy and mer =)
After the session of JT, we go to mamak with auyong koko and I have my favor food roti telur hahaha... what? not healthy? ahhhhh dont care... eat 1st. After the mamak session we go back and have a rest. Around 6pm we are heading back to pappy home town, siok nye....
Come back also sleep... sien :p

Other then sleep... walk lor

Other than walk... sit lor hahahaha

Lucky that grandma still got layan me =)

Hahaha... I cant catch... the floor is 2 slippery (excuses)

What is that face? Bo song ah? ...

Dont leave me alone -_-
Here are my quality weekend with pappy and friends =) Happy and siok ! but abit tired travel around. I hope next week pappy can bring me to JT again ! Pray hard